Media Releases

Here you will find current press releases from our company

Eventica uses Fuze Z350™ wash lights, Platinum SBX™ and SixBar 1000™ to add dynamic flare to fighter entrances! King of Kings...

Jazzgitarristen spielen 3.000 Akkorde vor drei Leuten, Rockgitarristen drei Akkorde vor 3.000 Leuten – da sollte das Lichtdesign...

When companies present their newest products at exhibitions, aesthetics are crucial and lighting plays a key role in their...

Multi Media Marketing & Event GmbH relies on Paladin and Fuze Wash Z350. As Ascension Day is a traditional day off for...

When Elation Professional launched the Fuze series at last year’s PLASA show, the company filled a niche in the market for...

Canadian industrial band Skinny Puppy might not be mainstream airplay but the band has been around for decades and is currently...