Media Releases

Here you will find current press releases from our company

Lighting designer Jeff Maker was looking for a special lighting effect to complement a series of diamond-shaped video screens for...

Als eine der führenden Full-Service-Dienstleister und Produktionsfirmen in der Veranstaltungsbranche hat satis&fy mit Sitz im...

One of the top full-service production companies in the event industry, satis&fy, an international provider of cutting-edge...

Lighting designer Jason Liggett turned to the ease of Elation Professional’s new EMOTION™ moving head digital light to project...

Thrills and spills as Elation EPT6IP™ LED video screens highlight the world’s best snowboarders and skiers at chilly big air...

Lexair Entertainment Pty Ltd., currently the exclusive master distributor for High End Systems, Green Hippo and TMB in Oceania,...