Media Releases

Here you will find current press releases from our company

The second annual T-Live music festival took place August 29-30 in Telford, Shropshire in the UK with...

Elation Professional ist stolz, die Markteinführung eines wirklich innovativen und die Beleuchtungsindustrie...

It’s not often that an institution over 13 centuries old receives a lighting upgrade but such is the case with the Abbey of Saint...

The market’s newest light sensation – the Elation Sniper – created a buzz when released at the PRO show in mid-September...

LD Steve Stemac puts new, one-of-a-kind effect light and laser simulator through its paces on rockers’ latest outing Elation...

Vibiana, originally St. Vibiana, Los Angeles’ first Archdiocese Catholic cathedral and one of the city’s few...