27.08.2014 | Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extreme Create Bridge of Light at “Science Night Bonn”

As one of Europe’s most important institutes of higher education, as well as one of the world's leading research-based universities, the University of Bonn holds “Bonner Wissenschaftsnacht” or “Science Night Bonn” biennially in cooperation with the City of Bonn. The goal of the special science-themed evening, held this year in late May, is to give the scientific institutions of Bonn as well as the University the chance to present themselves while highlighting their research and teaching.

In order to best illustrate this year’s Science Night slogan, which was “Digital Society,” the University’s Event Management Department decided to illuminate the institution’s main building, a beautiful renaissance castle where much of the University’s activities take place, as well as the University’s Academic Art Museum. Separated from each other by a 250m long by 100m wide lawn – the Hofgarten – the idea was to connect the two buildings with a “bridge” of light beams using Elation Platinum Beam 5R Extremes.

A few months before the event, the University’s Event Management Department visited the Elation showroom in the Netherlands and saw firsthand the 189W Platinum Beam 5R Extreme fixture in action. “I was convinced when I saw the Platinum 5R Beam but when I saw the Extreme version it was clear that we wanted to use this fixture for our application,” stated Sebastian Pagen of the University’s Event Management Department. “Also, there were, and I think still are, no alternatives to this efficient and bright beam moving light.” Sebastian designed and installed the lighting and sound system for the event together with the Event Management team. Programmer and lighting operator was Pierre Weber from Specialight Eventtechnic.

The Platinum Beam 5R Extreme features the 189W Platinum 5R lamp and a 3° sharp pin spot beam for an intense and powerful throw of light. Four of the fixtures were placed on the main building balcony with one fixture placed in each of the castle’s two tower spires bordering the Hofgarten and aimed at the museum building.

“The Platinum Beam Extreme was the best fixture we could have chosen for this application!” Sebastian comments. “The beams were absolutely sharp and so bright - even in color - that we ended up removing the six wash lights which we originally had planned to illuminate the museum building itself. The positioning of the fixtures onto the museum at a distance of 250m worked very fine and playing with the colors and focus we could really wash the museum in colors. As a last point, the Platinum Extreme is small and relatively lightweight which made it easier to carry up to the spire on a wobbly ladder!”

About University of Bonn

The University of Bonn is one of the largest universities in Germany, with around 32,000 students, 550 professors, 3,900 other academic staff and 1,800 technical and administrative staff. It offers a wide disciplinary spectrum comprising some 150 different degree programmes, from Agricultural Science to Theology. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn is rooted in a long tradition going back almost 200 years. It was founded in 1818 by Friedrich-Wilhelm III, the Prussian king whose name it bears. The university is proud of a long list of award-winning scientists and scholars. In the last 25 years two Bonn professors have received the Nobel Prize: Wolfgang Paul (Physics, 1989) and Reinhard Selten (Economics, 1994).

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